Have Camera, Will Travel INDEED!

A couple of springs ago, the camera traveled to Austin, Texas, the alleged Live Music Capital of the World, a center of Texas Bar-Be-Que mania [over-rated], host city of the Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum [disappointingly closed for renovation], nearest city to the LBJ Ranch [way cool] and the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center [extremely wonderful with 279 acres of trails, meadows and flowers!].  A few shots from the trip are available via the Austin, Texas set on the Flickr photostream.  Hope you like them!

There are also recent photos from a quick journey to Athens, Ohio that are worth checking out as are the shots of the Kalmar Nyckel, the official Tall Ship of Delaware, recently berthed in Solomons Island, Maryland, as part of the War of 1812 commemorations.  Even more recent shots following trips to Ethiopia, Chile, Argentina and Britain are also posted.